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30 Settembre 2019
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Stormshield Data Security Enterprise: la versione 9.2 è ora disponibile

Il Team SDS Enterprise ha il piacere di annunciare la disponibilità della versione 9.2 di Stormshield Data Security, la soluzione di crittografia end-to-end nello scambio di file e nella collaborazione dei team.

Le novità:

    • Ergonomic improvement for SD Disk, File and Team modules
      To simplify the use of the Disk, File and Team modules features, the search and selection windows for collaborators have been simplified and integrated in the same window.
    • Support for Windows 10 update 1903
      The Stormshield Data Security Suite agent supports the version 1903 of Microsoft Windows 10.
    • Support of SHA512 certificates in Stormshield Data Authority Manager
      With Stormshield Data Authority Manager you can now generate, renew and import certificates signed with SHA-512 algorithm.
    • Mass revocationThe Users revocation in Stormshield Data Authority Manager can be done from a list of users or on a filter on users.
    • Compatibility between SD Sign module and SHA 512 In the SD SIGN module, la signature de documents en utilisant les algorithmes SHA – 256 et SHA – 512.
      In Stormshield Data Authority Manager, it is possible to choose and/or define SHA-512 and SHA-256 algorithms for signing documents with the SD SIGN module.
    • SD SmartCard Module
      Optimisation of cryptographic smart card detection feature.
    • SD Virtual Disk module
      Optimization of the diagnostic mechanisms of the SD Virtual Disk module.
    • SD Mail Module
      It is possible to force with Stormshield Data Authority Manager or to let the end choice to sign an email with SHA – 512 algorithme.
    • SD Connector Git module
      Some examples of SD Connector usage are available in GitHub
La versione aggiornata è disponibile accedendo al prioprio account MyStormshield.
Per approfondire la soluzione Stormshield Data Security (SDS) => link
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